
Send Via Email
This page is used to set the email invite template and set the delivery channel to email.  Sending via email can be initiated via API, SFTP, Email Bridg...
Wed, 9 Mar, 2022 at 11:30 AM
Send via SMS
This page sets the delivery SMS channel and you can set the SMS invite template which is used when sending via API, SFTP, Email bridge or manually via the p...
Thu, 8 Jul, 2021 at 4:31 PM
Nudging (Reminder)
Nudging allows you to send the message again to people in the group that have not responded to a campaign. Those who have responded won't get a nudge....
Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 at 2:31 PM
Agent Sender
The Agent Sender is a tool used by customer service agents to Manually send out campaigns or surveys following a customer interaction Complete the survey...
Tue, 13 Jul, 2021 at 2:34 PM
Can I send myself (or someone else) a preview or test survey?
Yes.  Navigate to the 'Message' section of the campaign in question.  Depending on how you want to send the preview, SMS or email, you'll h...
Fri, 9 Jul, 2021 at 12:44 PM