Nudging allows you to send the message again to people in the group that have not responded to a campaign.

  • Those who have responded won't get a nudge. 
  • This works for both SMS and Email.

There are two ways to send a nudge:

  • Send Now (manual)
  • Schedule a nudge (automatically send a nudge to people who haven't responded after a period of time)

In the Message, page click Advanced to see the Nudge setting. 

You can type a nudge message... or if you just want to send the same thing again leave the Nudge template blank and it will reuse the Message Template.

For email nudges, you can set a different subject line. 

Both subject lines and Nudge Template allows CCV and basic HTML. 

Once happy you can send the Nudge Now or Scheduled it.

Please be aware if you scheduled a nudge all future groups will receive a nudge.  Scheduling a nudge does not apply to already sent out campaigns 

To schedule a nudge toggle the Scheduled Nudge button and set when people should be nudged. 

Remember to press Save. 

For emails, the nudge will look exactly like the original mail except for the different body of text (based on the Nudge Template) and the Subject line. 

The link to the survey will be the same as in the first email invite.

Make sure to save your changes. 

Please note: saved changes only apply going forward i.e. if you have previously sent a campaign and then set the scheduled nudge it will not apply for the previously sent campaigns.