The campaign search box allows you to enter any string e.g. Motoring and it will return all campaigns that have the name Motoring or have Motoring as a tag.

The search box has additional search features to find campaigns easier. 

You can use:

  • tag:string 

    • e,g tag:motoring return only campaigns with a tag:motoring it ignores the name of the campaign

  • name:string 

    • e,g name:SMS returns only campaigns with SMS in the name it ignores tag names

  • | (or) statement 

    • e.g. motor* | agentSender would return all motor* OR agentSender campaigns

  • & (and) statement 

    • e.g. motor* & agentSender would return motor*

  • !string (not)

    •  to have the ability to have !motoring to return campaigns/tags with NOT motoring

  • *string* 

    • e.g. moto* (which I know it already does this but it would be needed for the below)

    • e.g *moto

You have he ability to mix and match the above.