If you have received a Data Access Request and you want to find out what Personal Indentifiable Information (PII) is on the platform related to a mobile number _or_ email address you can use the GDPR Search feature in the Contact Manager.

Access the GDPR Search via the Contact Manager as illustrated above.

Once you click the icon you will see:


  • an email (case insensitive) and press Search 
  • or enter a mobile number in an international format and press Search
    • An example of the international format is 353871231234 i.e. country code, mobile prefix, and the number with no spaces, and no additional characters. 

The search will return any campaignID sent to the email/phone number within the retention period. You can copy the data using the 'Copy Data' button to the clipboard where you paste it. 

or show that there are no PII results associated with the search.

In both occasions, the Search will return whether the contact has opted out of Surveys on the platform.

If they haven't you have the option to add them to the opt-out collection (if the requester has asked to be opted out).