Rule of Thumb

Surveys should be short typically no more than 4-5 questions. Respondents don't like long surveys. Don't have too many open-ended questions either, 1 or 2 is fine as respondents don't like to be forced into typing responses too many times.

Context & Personalisation 

Add context to the survey using the message/instruction box. Personalise it too to help responses. 

Use Routing Rules

A survey can have additional questions but are initially hidden. If a respondent selects an option a routing rule can 'show' the hidden question.  The best way to lay out a survey in the designer is to add all your questions first and then add routing rules. 

Required Questions

If the survey is short -  typically there isn't a need to set a question to be required.

If you do set a question to be required - make sure the question is very early in the survey.

(see Routing for making questions required).

Question Titles

Question titles should be unique per campaign. If you use the exact same title in different campaigns and use a tag to 'join' campaigns,  the insight manager (again using a tag) will merge the responses from both campaigns into 1 chart. 

If you have question titles that are the same, say in a longer survey you have textbox questions with the title 'Other - please specify' - you should make them unique.  

You could use numbers

1 - Other, please specify


A - Other, please specify 


Other, please specify:

Other, please specify.

Other, please specify-

If you include a space before them, it will make the question unique. 

Longer Surveys - Break It Up

If your survey is longer - use page breaks '<<< Previous - Next>>>' sections to break it up.

You can disable previous/next if you require it. 

Longer Surveys - Capture Partials

If your survey is long and you are seeing lots of clicks but lower number of submits - perhaps you could turn on partial responses. This will capture any partial response and mark it as a submit. 

(See Partial responses for more details) 


A survey can be provided in any language. trustMinder allows translation to be added and the respondent doesn't need to do anything other than click the survey link. 

A respondent's phone is set to a default language. When the link is clicked on the phone, trustMinder can detect (in real time) the phone's default language and if there is a translation available to match the language it will should the translated version automatically.