By default, surveys require the 'Submit' button to be pressed by a respondent to result in a response being recorded. 

With 'Partial Responses' turned on, if a respondent provides a score (via a slider/stars), selects an item or leaves a comment but DOES NOT press 'Submit' the response is captured as a valid response. 

This scenario assumes no question has been marked required.

If a question is marked as required only when ALL required questions have a response will a partial response be recorded.

Changing/Updating a partial score

While the survey remains open and while the person has not pressed 'Submit' the respondent can change their response.

With Partial Responses turned on - this means the respondent can change their response, not press 'Submit' and the updated response will get pushed back to the platform. They can continue to do this until the survey closes. 

Once a survey closes (the TTL expires) - the survey response can not be changed.

Enabling Partial Responses

Viewing how many partial responses 

In the engagement chart, you can see how many responses are partial responses.

In the example below - we can see 43 responses in total, 2 of which are partial responses.