Editing a live question

You can click the question to edit the question. During the initial setup (and before responses are captured) there isn't an automated trustMinder check when editing a question. 


However, when campaigns have gone live for a period of time and the survey has captured real responses (more than 50 responses captured) it is not best practice to change the question.  

 A question is changed if you: 

  • Significantly change the title of the question (to a completely different meaning)(See Note 1)
  • Change the number of select options (i.e. add or remove select options)
  • Change the title of the select options
  • Change the min/max range of a slider question
  • Change the range description
  • Change the meaning of yes/no option
  • Change the picture in the picture question
  • Change the select from ranked to non-ranked (and vice-versa)

trustMinder has an automated check to make sure you don't change questions once they are live and capturing data. 

If you attempt to change questions and trustMinder detects responses have been submitted trustMinder will prompt you to tick a box 'I know what I'm doing' to proceed with saving the changes. 

Note 1:

If there is a small change in the title - e.g. you spotted a typo and wanted to correct it - that's permissable - tick the 'I know what I'm doing' and proceed but if you want to make more significant changes we would recommend cloning the question and then archiving it. See Cloning, Archiving & Deleting a question

Deleting a live question

If you try to delete a live question you will be greeted with a similar popup. trustMinder will prevent you from deleting a question by mistake.

If want to remove a question from the live survey it is suggested you clone the question and then archive it.

See Cloning, Archiving & Deleting a question