How to create your own custom export schemes for CSV file exports

The export feature provides the ability to create a custom CSV file export scheme,  the delimiter, column header order, and naming can all be specified. In addition, default column headers and values can also be added.

When creating a scheme, the column header names are supplied from the campaign questions and from the CSV contact file headers, that have previously been uploaded using bulk messaging via the Email Bridge.

If the campaign under which the scheme was created and the appropriate date range is selected in the export drop-down options. Then the newly created export scheme will be available to select as an export option.

The CSV export file scheme will contain the survey responses and original CSV data, combined in the scheme specified header order.

How do I create a CSV export scheme?

(See below gif)

  1. Navigate to the Export tab
  2. Select the campaign you are intending to export CSV data from.
  3. Click on the Map sign icon.

  4. Create a name for the export scheme and press enter-

 Ensure to use a unique file name for each export scheme and that it is distinct from the campaign name.

  1. Specify the CSV delimiter.
  2. Select the uploaded contact group CSV file from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the save button 

This will pull in all the headers from the campaign and CSV contacts file. 

Adding a default column

You can add a default column by typing the column name and specified the default value then clicking the plus sign.

Please note that save must be clicked to update changes to the scheme. (See below gif)

Moving column header positions

It is possible to drag and drop the column headers to create a specific order. (See below gif)

Remember to click save to update changes.

Applying a scheme

When the final version of the scheme has been saved it can then be used to export the campaign response data. The format of the exported file is specified by the export scheme. (See below gif)

This Export action is the same as the normal export function achieved by:

  1. Selecting the campaign
  2. Selecting the date range
  3. Selecting the export scheme from the drop-down.

Note the export scheme is campaign specific, so it can only be selected for that campaign. A scheme needs to be created for each campaign, should have a unique name and should not use the campaign name.