Routing allows questions to

  • Required answers that you want the person to submit 
  • Show or hide questions based on answers to previous questions.

Required Answers Rule.

There is a default rule called 'Required Answers'. Simply drag a question into the drop zone.

You can add multiple questions.

Remember to press sale. 

Questions that are set as required will have a 'Required' label on the question itself. 

Once an answer is given it turns green. 

Once all required answers are provided te 'Done' or Submit button becomes available. 

Showing/Hiding Questions

An example use case would be a  Net Promoter Score (NPS) question showing a feedback box question to understand why the person gave the score when the score given is less than 3.

If you wish to use routing - all the questions you require for the campaign must be added in the Campaign Designer. The order of how you want to show the questions must also be set in the Campaign Designer. When happy with the number of questions and the order you then use Routing to show or hide certain questions.

Configuring Routing Rules is done via the 'Routing' option in the campaign launcher. 

Simply drag the question from the right into the IF section.  If required combine questions with logic ( AND/OR ) and when happy add the 'THEN' questions from the right-hand side. Please note you can have multiple Questions or widgets in the THEN section.

Toggling the ON/OFF button to what you require for the 'THEN' question.  

You can give the Routing rule a name (in the example below its 'detractor' and have multiple Routing rules.

Remember to press 'Save' to save your routing rule.

Clicking the Delete button deletes the rules.