As of 09/02/22 Usage charts have been retired. The single Usage chart is replaced with: 

  1. The Engagement Chart & the Nudge Engagement (which is only available for campaigns that have nudges/reminders enabled)
    • The Engagement chart shows the overall campaign/tag performance (it includes nudge data)
      • It shows the count of Links, Delivered, Clicks and Response for the campaign/tag
    • The Nudge Engagement provides a detailed breakdown of the impact of nudges
      • It shows the count of Links, Delivered, Clicks and Response for nudges associated with the campaign/tag
  2. The Billing Chart
    • This shows a count of Links, Emails and SMS billed on a daily basis for a campaign or tag

Engagement gives a simple and a better understanding of campaign performance based on the day it is initially sent to a customer. 

With this simpler view, it's easier to calculate overall response rates and understand the impact of reminders. We illustrate how the Engagement chart works by two examples below.

The Billing Chart gives a better way to view the actual billing associated, on a daily basis, with the usage of the campaign/tag. The Billing chart directly correlates to what is invoiced. 

There is an example below illustrating how the Billing Chart works. 

These new charts are available via the Chart configuration. 

All existing Usage charts have been replaced with Engagement Charts. (See Note 1 at the end of this solution)

To add an Engagement or Billing chart  

  1. Open the Insights Manager
  2. Select a campaign or a tag (in this example NPS Insight Demo is the campaign name)
  3. Set the date filter (optional)
  4. Click the New chart button
  5. Under Chart Config select 
    1. 'NPS Insight Demo'or select 'Nudge:NPS Insight Demo'  under 'Engagement' 
    2. 'NPS Insight Demo' under 'Billing'
    3. Optionally set 'Group by' to be a date group if you want to see a trend
  6. Click 'Run report'


The Engagement Chart

The Engagement Chart will look like this when not grouped by date

If a group by Date is applied it will look like this

Regardless of how you view the chart, it has 4 elements. Links, Delivered, Click and Response. 

Description of each element:

  • Links - a count of unique survey links generated.  A survey link is created when sending a survey via the initial email or SMS (a delivery channel). A survey link is also generated when a Genny link is clicked. With survey links generated from Genny links - there is no delivery channel used so 'Delivered' does not increment
  • Delivered - the number of links delivered via SMS or Email (See Note 2 at the end of this solution)
  • Click - the number of unique clicks of survey links (if someone comes back and clicks a survey link again/multiple times it is not counted)
  • Response - the number of responses from respondents either from the initial send or the nudge reminder

Engagement Example 1 

Sending a campaign on the 10th March to 100 people. The survey remains open for 10 days.

Let's say it's now the end of March and we are looking at the Engagement for the campaign on the 10th of March. 

The Engagement Chart for the 10th of March will show:

  • Links =100
  • Delivered = 100
  • Clicks = 30
  • Response = 20

Response rate = 20% in this case. 

(You can view this response rate by setting the chart configuration of % against Links or delivered)

The Responses that can come anytime between the 10th and 20th of March are counted against the Links sent out on the 10th of March. 

Engagement Example 2 with Nudges

Sending a campaign on the 10th March to 100 people. The survey remains open for 10 days. 4 days after the initial send a nudge is automatically sent to people who haven't responded.  We are going to assume we got 30 clicks and 20 responses from the initial send like the previous example.

Let's say it's now the end of March and we are looking at the Engagement for the campaign on the 10th of March. 

The Engagement Chart for the 10th of March will show:

  • Links = 100 
  • Delivered = 180  (180 is the sum of 100 were initial emails delivered and 80 nudge emails were delivered)
  • Clicks = 50 (s the sum of the clicks from the initial send and clicks from the nudge)
  • Responses = 30 (the sum of responses from the initial send and responses from the nudge)

Response rate  = 30 % in this case. 

(You can view this response rate by setting the chart configuration of % against Links or delivered)

The Responses that can come anytime between the 10th and 20th of March are counted against the Links sent out on the 10th of March.

It's important to note, with both examples, the Engagement charts tie everything back to when the campaign was initially sent out i.e. the 10th of March. 

When you need to drill down into the performance of nudges/reminders you can add the Nudge Engagement chart too to understand the breakdown. 

Engagement Nudge Chart

This chart is identical to the Engagement chart (i.e. the number of links, delivered, clicks and responses) however it shows data for the day the initial survey invite was sent.

Using the above example, the initial survey is sent on the 10th of March and on the 14th of March a nudge is sent to those who didn't respond to the initial invite, the number of links, delivered and responses would be displayed on the Engagement Nudge chart for the 10th of March.

Billing Chart 

The Billing chart will look like this

If a group by Date is applied it will look like this (See Note 3 at the end of this solution.)

Regardless of the view, the Billing chart has three elements. Links, Email and SMS. 

Descriptions of each element

  • Links - the count of links based on the date they were created
  • Email - the count of emails based on the date they were sent
  • SMS - the count of SMS based on the date there were sent

for a selected campaign or tag.

Billing Example 1

Sending a campaign on the 10th March to 100 people via SMS.

4 days after the initial send a nudge is automatically sent to the 80 people who haven't replied. 

Let's now look a the billing chart at the end of the month for the campaign.

The Billing chart (grouped by Day) for the 10th of March will show:

Links = 100 

SMS = 100

The Billing Chart (grouped by Day) for the 14th of March will show:

SMS =  80

It's important here to note the billing is accounted for on the date the event (create a link, or send an email or send an SMS) actually happened.  

This billing count is what you will receive in your monthly invoices which are generated at 00:01 on the 1st of every month (or quarter). In this case, your invoice on the 1st of April will have the usage from the previous month

Links = 100

SMS = 180

Billing Example 2

Sending a campaign on the 31st of March to 100 people via SMS.

4 days after the initial send a nudge is automatically sent to the 80 people who haven't replied.

Let's now look a the billing chart at the end of the month for the campaign.

The Billing chart (grouped by Day) for the 31st of March will show:

Links = 100 

SMS = 100

The Billing Chart (grouped by Day) for the 3rd of April will show:

SMS =  80

It's important here to note the billing is accounted for on the date the event (create a link, or send an email or send an SMS) actually happened.  

This billing count is what you will receive in your monthly invoices which are generated at 00:01 on the 1st of every month (or quarter).

In this case, your invoice on the 1st of April will have the usage from the previous month

Links = 100

SMS = 100

The 80 SMS that occurred on the 3rd of April will be accounted for in the next invoice on the 1st of May.


1. Existing Usage charts that currently have the name 'Usage:' are now Engagement charts - you can change the name if you wish to reflect the change. We haven't automatically changed the name on existing charts. Any new Engagement chart will include 'Engagement' in its name. 

2. Delivered consists of Email and SMS delivery status.

SMS Delivery: This is based on the delivery notifications received back from the Network Operator. It is usual for some SMS to be not delivered because the handset is turned off, roaming or the number is no longer in service.

Email Delivery: This metric is at a campaign level with a resolution of per day. This is based on a unique but anonymous request for a header in the email. It doesn't mean the email has been viewed or read by the recipient.  This is a move away from 1x1 pixel tracking. Tracking is no longer done on an individual level as part of our GDPR compliance. 

3. Historical billing trend goes back to 01/01/2021