What is the Action Manager?

The Action Manager can be used to track an interaction after a survey has been submitted. Use case scenarios include Close Loop programs. 

Trigger an Action Item in the Outcome Manager

In the Outcome Manager, an action can be triggered based on an Outcome Rule. 

For example.  If a user submits something in a question (e.g. Yes, please contact me) then an action is created or as illustrated below if a person submits 0 - 6 in an NPS question. 

The Outcome manager then creates an action allows a ‘Tag’ to be assigned to the action. An example here would be: 'callback' and/or ‘detractor'.

The Action Manager
A CSR account would login into the platform and they would see the functions that are available to them (e.g. Agent Sender, Classification, Action Manager).

Once the Action Manager is activated for that CSR account the CSR can select from a list of Outcome tags and/or the status of the ticket (new, open closed or pending).

  1.  You can filter the view of the tickets 
    • New - newly created tickets (default status when created), Open, a ticket that is open and being worked on. Pending, if the agent awaiting a response back from the customer, Closed - the ticket is closed. 
  2. The list of tickets is ordered newest first. To view the ticket detail simply click on a ticket; This will open the centre panel. 
  3. When you click on a ticket in the list of tickets it appears in the center panel. You can see the customers response in its entirety. If you click on the icon of a person the details of the person appears. The details are based on the uploaded CCVs.
  4. When working on a ticket you have several options - (please note: all may not be available to your account)
    • Change the status - Open, a ticket that is open and being worked on. Pending, if the agent awaiting a response back from the customer, Closed - the ticket is closed. 
    • Send the customer a follow-up campaign
    • Send a message to the customer directly (via SMS or Email)
    • Add a note to the ticket (other agents will be able to see this)
    • Add a classification to the ticket. Sample classification: people, process, policy, price or tech. This classification can be used in the reporting.
  5. If you click on the icon of a person the details of the person appears. The details are based on the uploaded CCVs.

Via the insights manager the Action Manager reporting includes:

  • New tickets
  • Open vs Closed tickets
  • Average open time
  • Closed tickets