To add a customer service representative (CSR) click User Management from the left hand side menu.

Under User Management click 'Add a new User' 

Select the Role to be 'CSR'. 



You'll need to set

  • Username - this is a unique ID for the CSR - it can be an email address for example. (required)
    • Minimum length is 5 characters
    • This can't be changed once saved
  • Session Inactivity - after a period of inactivity (minutes) the CSR will be logged out. Default is 60 mins.

Profile Details

You'll need to set

  • First name of the CSR (optional)
  • Surname of the CSR (optional)
  • Email address of the CSR (required)
    • You need to enter a valid email address
  • Mobile phone (optional)

Access to features

The CSR can access various features in the platform.

  • Agent Sender - a simple interface to send shared campaigns
  • Action - a case/action manager to track & close the loop

Toggle these to be ON or OFF.

Depending on what Access the CSR has the Actions panel will change to reflect the CSR access

Actions for the Agent Sender

The CSR will have access to certain campaigns. These are set in the 'Shared Campaign Tags' field. Select from the drop-down menu.

If you need to add a Custom Contact Variables (CCV's) to the survey when the CSR sends out the survey via  the Agent Sender you can add it here. The example shows account_number added as the CCV and this will be shown on the Agent Sender screen for the CSR to fill in.  

If a CVV field is Required to be entered by the CSR add the CCV (in the example above AccountID) to the field 'Custom Contact Variable (CCV) 'Required' in the Agent Sender

CSRlive Special Tag

CSRlive - if you set 'CSRlive' as a tag in the campaign manager this allows the CSR to fill out the survey on behalf of the customer. This can be used if the CSR has the customer on the phone and customer wishes to complete the survey whilst on the call.

See adding a tag in the campaign manager

Actions for the Action Manager

The CSR will have access to certain campaigns. These are set in the 'Shared Campaign Tags' field. Select from the drop-down menu.

The Action Manager has a set of functions that can be enabled/disabled

  • Status - change the status of a ticket
  • Send Campaign - the ability to send a campaign to a customer
  • Add a note - add a note in the ticket that can be viewed by agents - not a customer
  • Classify a ticket - All a classification be applied to a ticket. 
  • Assign Agent - Change assignment of the ticket to another agent
  • ML suggestion - Machine Learning Suggestion

Pressing save will send an invitation via email to the required CSR email address. 

Pressing Close will exit and not save any changes.

The CSR must follow the instructions in the new account email notification. 

The link in the activation email will remain active for 1 day - otherwise they must use the password reset function.

Once you press save you can set additional IP Fence information

See  IP fence - sub accounts

By default the CSR will have the same IP Fence settings as you - but you can add new IP address if required.

When you have added the IP Fence Press Save again