Selecting Data Export
Select the Data Export option on the left-hand menu.
- From the Left hand side menu, click on the Data Export option. This will open the Data Export page
Steps to view and explore data
- Search for the campaign in the 'Choose Campaign'
- Choose a date or select a date range (optional).
- Default is 'This Month'
- Not selecting a time period will pull all response data. To unselect a time range click the selected range to unselect it.
- Click the 'View Data' button to see the actual responses.
- The default number of responses shown in the table is 10 but this can be increased to 100
Steps to Exporting Data
- On the right-hand side of the View Data button, there is a drop down menu to Download Data
Click 'Download CSV' and then either 'Response data' or 'Response and Contact Data' (see note2) from the drop-down View Data button.
- The Data that is exported is based on what filters have been set. For exampe, if you set last month, press View Data and Download the Response Data, a CSV with last month response data will be downloaded for you.
- The downloaded file will follow the Data_Response_timestamp.csv format e.g. Response_Data_2024-10-21T14-19-54.csv
- The exported file format for both is CSV - this is the best format when using third-party data explorers like Tableau, Qlikview, etc
Guide to Browsing and Filtering Data
When you view the data you'll be able to use the Omni Search feature just above the table which searches all response data. If you want to find something this is the quickest way to find it.
If you need Apply a filter, Click the Show filters button
Once the filters are visible add the question you want to filter on.
Once the filter is added to the Table, you can set the Custom Filters. In the example below the NPS score is filtered for 8.
You can add multiple filters which behave as AND logic i.e. Show me data in the table where filter 1 AND filter 2 AND filter is true.
If you are working with a lot of columns, you can hide them from the table using the X in each column. (You can easily add them back.)
The table shows 10 entries by default but you can increase this to a max of 100.
When you export the data it will take the filters that are active at time of exporting.
Please Note:
1/ It's not possible to export tags.
If you wish to look at combining multiple files once download we recommend using Microsoft Power Query for Excel.
2/ Response and Contact Data
This combines the survey response data, the Non-PII CCV data at the time the survey was generated/submitted and any (if still available) PII (as set in the contact manager) into a CSV file