First click Insights on the left hand side menu. 

You should see the following:

Step 1 - Click 'Create New Report'

Step 2 - Give it a name

  • This name will be used in the insight manager and when you share it via a link.

Step 3 - Select the data you want to report on 

  • You can select 

Step 4 - Pick the time period (optional) filter

Defaults is 'This month'

Leave date unset to use all responses since the campaign started.

If you set date you set you can choose from the following: 

  • Today - 00:00 to current time 
  • Yesterday - 00:00 - 23:59
  • This week  - Monday 00:00 to current day and time 
  • Last week  - Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59
  • This month - 00:00 on the 1st day until current day and time (Default)
  • Last month - Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59 
  • Year To Date (YTD) 00:00 Jan 1st until current day and time 
  • Last year - Jan 1st 00:00  to 31st Dec 23:59 
  • Range (select a start and end date)

Step 5 - Use ready made reports OR

Once you have picked a data source for the report you can now add charts to the report.

Ready made reports are available from the drop down chart button. 

  • Aggregate - an aggregate report of the campaign 
  • Tracker - By default a day by day tracker of the aggregate report

Step 6 Building your Own Report 

Create a New Chart

The new chart button creates a blank chart that allows further customization via the Chart Config

Understanding Charts

Charts have 2 main components to help you visualise data. A filter and a configuration

  1. Filter (situated on the top of the report and indicated with an ORANGE line) can be:
    1. Campaign/Tag (This is the primary filter - once selected it can't be changed unless cloned - see below)
    2. Time 
    3. Custom Contact Variables
    4. Other questions in the survey
  2. Configuration (situated on the right-hand side of the report and indicated with a GREEN line) includes:
    1. The metric e.g. the question you want to chart
    2. How to Group the data from the chosen metric
      • Time
      • Custom Contact Variable
    3. Chart type (either set as a count or as a %)
      • NPSbar
      • Line
      • Pie
      • Bar
      • Stacked Bar
      • Horizontal Bar
      • Radar
    4. Chart name (by default it is the metric/question title). This can be anything you wish.

Editing a filter

Click the chart to automatically activate the filter. All charts with the same filter will have an orange line at the base of the chart. 

A basic filter is time - i.e. during what period of time would you like to filter the data?

  1. Today
  2. Yesterday
  3. This week
  4. Last week
  5. This month
  6. Last month
  7. Last 30 days
  8. YTD
  9. Last year
  10. Range 

Adding additional Filters

Clicking the Blue Filter icon opens the Filter panel where you can add more filters.

  • Custom Contact Variables 
  • Response data for the questions in the survey

Adding a filter is simple - simply click filter e.g. 'did the agent resolve your query?' and it will be added. 

From the filter box - you can choose (true/false) to filter the data. 

When a filter is active from the list of filters it turns Green. 

To unselect click the filter once more.

To refresh the data click the reload icon. 

Note: A report can have 1 or multiple filters associated with different charts.

Editing a chart configuration

Clicking a chart automatically opens the chart configuration on the right-hand side and activates the filter. 

When the chart configuration is open you can see which chart you are working on with the green active line on the side of the active chart.

The chart configuration on the right-hand side  includes

  • The metric you want to choose. 
    • If NPS trustMinder will automatically select npsbar as the chart type. If your question is phrased slightly differently to the standard NPS format you can force the metric to be NPS by toggling the NPS metric switch. 
  • Group by time or CCV
  • Chart type (NPSBar, Bar Chart, Line Chart etc. )
  • The % (change the chart to show % instead of count)
  • The average function (only available for line charts)
  • The delete chart function 
  • Run report (which updates the chart) 

Pinned Filters

By default when you add a New Chart it will take the filter from the previous chart. You can add as many New Charts as you like and if you change the filter on one chart it will update the filter on all the charts that use the same filter. 

Charts that share the same filter will all have an orange line at the base indicating they use the same filter as shown at the top. 

 If you don't want this behaviour unclick the blue pin when creating new a chart. This allows you to create a new chart from the very beginning. 

Cloning a filter

Cloning allows to 'clone' the existing filter but then allows you to change the campaignID/tag (the primary filter) when you click 'New Chart'. 

Resize Charts

At the corner of the chart there is a resize button - drag this corner to the size you require.