It's possible to send CSV files to the platform via email. We call this the Email Bridge. 

Typically scenario is that a CRM tool can automatically output a CSV file at the end of the day/week and send it to an email address. The Email Bridge will pick this CSV file up, parse it, upload it and schedule it to be sent. 

Please note. You'll need to contact support (via a ticket on this platform) and let them know you wish to send content via the Email Bridge.  In the support ticket please include:

  • campaignID
  • CSV heading mapping (telephone->phone,firstname-> first, etc)
  • When the platform can expect the CSV file
  • When you wish to send the campaign (please allow at least 30 mins between when you send and when it should sent out)
  • What email address will be sending the CSV file

Support manually has to setup a script and schedule the campaign. Please allow 1 working day. 

When the script is complete send the email to [email protected] 

  • A single CSV file must be attached
  • The name of the CSV attachment must be the same every time  
  • Subject line contains the following: campaignID:aMC       (aMC is the campaignID and remember it's case sensitive) 
  • you can set a time to process the csv file in the subject line after the campaignid using 24hr clock for example 09:00

Please note: aMC is only an example. You can find the campaignID under the 'Other' setting. 

When the script runs the CSV file is parsed and automatically uploaded to the contact manager. A group will be assigned and the scheduled campaign will send to that group at the scheduled time.

Time Zone Setting

If you wish to set a timezone for the campaign you need include an additional parameter after the time


an example timezone would be Europe/Berlin 

The timezone is as defined by the TZ column in this list:

If none is set the default is assumed to be WET (Western European Time)